Living In "Divine Flow"
Reclaim Inner Peace and Balance So You Can Live Your Best Life

A 7-Week LIVE Experiential Online Course with Brian Plachta, JD, MPC, spiritual director, pastoral counselor, attorney, and author of Finding Flow—Spiritual Practices to Reclaim Inner Peace, Balance, and Wholeness.
Discover a Time-Tested Pathway to Empower Your True Self and Experience Greater Wholeness, Gratitude, and Inner Peace.
The Creator is stirring…calling you deep within your heart to access the power of Divine Flow so you can achieve inner peace and find happiness in your day-to-day life.
In your Spirit, you can feel God’s, Spirit’s or the Creator’s invitation to live from your True Self.
You hear a gentle, loving whisper calling you home–back to your Center. You know the call is real and desire the courage to trust and take action on it.
Imagine living your best life:
- Feeling connected to your True Self
- Being divinely guided by the Creator
- Experiencing pure joy, gratitude, and happiness

It’s possible to live the full and balanced life you desire, but our fast-paced, always-on world dams up the river of Divine Flow.
The pressures of daily gotta-get-it-done tasks of work, family, and social obligations leave little time for you to connect with the Creator and your Inner Self.
The world’s clamor and chaos stifle the sound of your inner voice of love and wisdom.
The rip tides of endless striving for success and perfection suck many of us in, dragging us into turbulent waters. We drift far away from our Source and Inner Self. We get trapped underwater gasping for holy air.
Our natural rhythm of Divine Flow—the one that leads to happiness and inner peace—gets drowned in the tsunami of daily survival.
Rather than giving us the tools to find the pathway to live from our True Self and grow in our relationship with the Divine, our gotta-have-it-now culture teaches us to get more, push harder, and listen to the confusing voices of a clamoring world.
We get overwhelmed. Plugged. Blocked.
Inner peace and happiness become illusive.
Lifeless, we go through our week doing the same old routine with little sense of purpose, low energy, and dulled interest in life.
Silently we shout:
“I’m overwhelmed! I’m stuck in my head and can’t get out! There’s got to be a better way!”
And there is!
The pathway of Finding Flow allows us to discover and sustain the natural flow of inner peace and wisdom.
These time-tested Finding Flow practices—inspired by the lives of spiritual giants such as Mother Teresa, Thich Nhat Hahn, Saint Francis, and Thomas Merton—open the floodgates to Divine Flow connecting us with God and our authentic selves:
- Flow that fills you with divine energy.
- Flow that provides you with balance.
- Flow that leads you to true happiness.
I know you want to experience:
- Getting up each day filled with gratitude, joy, and purpose.
- Hearing and knowing the voice of Divine Wisdom.
- Discovering the life-giving path that will lead you to co-creating and attracting your deepest and highest desires.
I want you to experience those things too, that's why I created Living in Flow—to help you master 4 simple, time-tested spiritual practices that will transform your life.
Once you learn the basics of Finding Flow you’ll be able to get unblocked and live the life you’ve imagined.
Through this course you'll experience:
- A deep awareness of who you are and your purpose
- Recognizing and following God’s or your Creator’s guiding and loving Presence in your daily life with more trust and confidence
- The Oneness of your mind, body, and spirit in practical and sustainable ways
- The tools to name and overcome your fears to live life fully
- The knowledge and skills to experience a direct “God-with-skin” relationship with the Divine that will set you on the path to discover and live from your True Self
This course gives you the information, tools, practices, and transformation you need to reclaim and sustain your inner peace, balance, and wholeness.
You’ll know how to live in Divine Flow!
My Personal Story & Invitation to You
In my early 30’s, working 12-hour days as a lawyer, and raising a family, I was overwhelmed by life—stuck in my head—going through the motions. I struggled through each day in survival-mode.
I felt empty. Angry. My emotions came out sideways, in unhealthy ways.
I’d learned about God as a kid from my parents and religion teachers. But as an adult with a jam-packed life, God felt distant. Abstract. I questioned if there was a God.
I wanted to experience the Creator…directly.
I wanted to take what I’d learned intellectually and integrate it into a real-life, God-with-skin relationship—to know what the Creator feels like on the inside—in my heart—to feel the Divine has my back and we’re in this thing called life together.
I found new teachers who introduced me to age-old pathways and contemplative practices that helped me experience God’s presence in life-giving ways.
As a result, my relationship with the Creator shifted from a stale intellectual belief—to a real-life, felt-experience of the Divine.
I found increasing happiness and fulfillment in daily life. I expressed emotions in healthy ways.

I became a certified spiritual director and obtained a master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling. I wanted to help others experience the Presence of God in their lives.
My teachers invited me to create a Rule of Life—a personal mission statement— to steer my life’s course.
I looked to spiritual giants from all faith traditions—-people like Saint Francis, Jesus, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Thich Nat Hahn, Thomas Merton, and discovered four spiritual threads that were carefully woven into their lives.
I formed my Rule of Life around these giants’ four practices.
I call it Finding Flow—being One with the Divine Spirit who opens our hearts, allowing us to experience inner peace, balance, and wholeness. It’s the pathway that connects us with the Creator so we can discover and live from our True Self.
I’ve been teaching these practices for over thirty years.
I’m amazed when people integrate these simple tools into their lives how they experience this Universal Truth: the Infinite Being—Our Creator—loves and guides us with unconditional love and wisdom, and we can connect with Being.
Over the years, people have asked me to provide an in-depth teaching of the Finding Flow pathway.
So, here it is—the course that will provide you with the spiritual tools you need to get into Divine Flow—to live the life you’ve imagined!
Here’s What People Are Saying About Brian and the Finding Flow Pathway

“Brian was a presenter at the Spiritual Life Center in West Hartford, CT. His Finding Flow Workshop was outstanding, engaging, and experiential. He helped us see ourselves through God’s eyes. We experienced a new pathway for finding flow in our lives and in our community.”
Lisa Hudkins
Spiritual Director

“Brian Plachta’s words never fail to feed my soul’s appetite for encouragement, inspiration, and hope. Brian’s gentle and thoughtful insights always provide a cleansing breath to center me.”
Tess Enterline
Writer, Blogger, and Former Hospital Chaplain

“Brian’s teachings have been a spiritual gift for me. Full of practical—and often amusing—insights that bridge the gap between what we believe spiritual growth to be and the everyday reality of what it really is. Brian finds spiritual lessons tucked into traffic jams, spats with spouses, the mundane, and most importantly, our disappointment when we stumble in our quest to respond to life with a non-judgmental open heart.”
Victoria Vuletich Kane
Vuletich Law Firm, Ethics² LLC.

“With humor and simplicity, Brian invites his audience to experience God in everyday situations; to step past any belief God is remote; and to practice trusting the spacious, ever-present love that holds us always. Brian’s work is uplifting and fun. It may change you in wonderful ways!”
Gail Watkins
Contemplative Spiritual Director and Retreat Leader
Here’s What You’ll Learn
In this 7-week course, I will guide you through the spiritual practices that’ll give you the mind-body-spirit tools to move through your daily world with a deeper understanding of your life’s purpose, allow you to connect with your inner wisdom, and step into a more secure and powerful version of yourself!
This course features LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, and experiential practices.
Each session builds upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you need to integrate into your life to work in deep connection with the Divine Spirit—to become the change you want to be—to live a full, rich life.
You’ll connect with me and experience powerful teachings through live streaming video. This connection is simple and easy to use.
Can’t make it live? No worries. Recordings will be available in high-quality format for you to view at your convenience.

Week 1
Natural Flow: Embodying Wholeness and Inner Peace
In this first session, you’ll discover the natural flow of inner peace and balance with which you were born. You’ll find out how fear blocks that flow and how you can get unstuck. You’ll learn the essential tools you need to move back into and sustain Divine Flow. You'll discover:
- The 4 time-tested practices of Finding Flow
- What spiritual giants—including Saint Francis, Jesus, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Mother Teresa—have to teach us about Flow
- How to embrace your natural daily rhythm so you can connect with and sustain Divine Flow–the kind of flow that connects us with God and your True Self—flow that’s filled with divine energy—flow that leads to happiness
- How having coffee with the Creator can be the best part of your day
- You’ll take the “Finding Flow Balance” test to determine how you’re already using the Finding Flow tools
Week 2
Unplug from the Noise: Solving Everything With Quiet Time
In this session, you’ll explore a smorgasbord of contemplative practices inspired by the wisdom of Saint Francis and Saint Ignatius to identify which one(s) are “just right” for you. You’ll learn how to unplug from the world’s noise and distractions so you can connect with your True Self and God. You’ll discover:
- How and why “Quiet Time Solves Everything”
- The Goldilocks principle that allows you to find and embrace your personal meditation style
- How unplugging from the world each day is good for your mind, body and spirit
- How discernment (becoming aware of the God-nudges or Spirit-nudges in your life) is your Personal Inner Guidance System
- The power of daily meditation to transform your life

Week 3
Get Wisdom: Living From Your True Self
Discover how spiritual reading provides the wisdom you need to continue living from your True Self. Whether it’s a book, ebook, podcast or other type of spiritual literature, wisdom flows into your life when you find your teachers and learn from their experiences. In this session you’ll discover:
- What’s wisdom and how you get it
- A unique list of spiritual writers and books that will keep you in the flow
- Why “gimme thirty” is key to finding and sustaining inner peace
- How to nourish your mind with positive thoughts and insights so you can experience joy and gratitude
- You’ll create your own Rule of Life—a mission statement—as your Personal Inner Guide
Week 4
The Inner Circle of Trust: Becoming The Best Version of Yourself
In this session, you’ll identify the key people who inspire and nudge you to grow. You’ll determine who’s missing or needs to be removed from your Inner Circle of Trust so you can become the best version of yourself. You’ll discover:
- What an Inner Circle of Trust is
- Who's in your Inner Circle of Trust and who might be missing
- What’s an anam cara–-a soul friend—and why you need one
- You’ll take the exercise: “Who’s In My Inner Circle of Trust” to identify the key players in your life
- You’ll discover how to eliminate the naysayers and energy-drainers from your Circle of Trust

Week 5
Can I Get a Mentor? Experiencing God’s Loving Embrace and Guidance Through the Gift of Spiritual Direction
In this session, you’ll pull back the veil on the time-tested tradition of spiritual direction (aka spiritual mentoring) and learn how to find a life-long mentor who’ll help you awaken to the Divine Mystery in all of life. You’ll discover:
- The ancient roots of spiritual mentoring derived from such wisdom keepers as Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Aristotle, and the Desert Fathers and Mothers
- How to notice and respond to the “God-nudges” in your life
- You’ll experience Group Spiritual Direction as a pathway to inner peace and divine guidance
- How you can find a spiritual mentor to successfully navigate the ups and downs of your life
- How to connect with your Inner Compass so you can achieve your dreams and live the life you imagine
Week 6
Your Spiritual Gifts: Creating a Life-Giving World For Yourself and Others
“What are spiritual gifts and how do I discover mine?” will be the focus questions you’ll ask and answer in this session. Aided by the Finding Flow Spiritual Gifts Inventory you’ll:
- Take the Spiritual Gifts Inventory to identify your top 5 spiritual gifts
- Discover how to use your gifts in life-giving ways so you can tap into joy and stand in the power of who you are and who you’re meant to be
Find out what “Half-Time” is, and how you’re being invited to use your gifts in the next season of your life - Determine your purpose and how being a Co-Creator with God allows you to receive and spread more Divine compassion and love into the universe so you can make the world a better place
- Experience how using your gifts in life-giving ways allows you to become fully alive!

Week 7
Putting It All Together: Living In Divine Flow 24/7
In this final session, you’ll create your action plan for continued inner growth. You’ll celebrate what you’ve learned over the past seven weeks and determine how you want to integrate the Finding Flow practices into the rest of your life. You’ll put it all together and:
- Retake the “Finding Flow Balance” test to see how well you’ve mastered the 4 Finding Flow practices
- Discover how you’ve found deeper inner peace, wholeness, and balance as you’ve integrated what you’ve learned from the course
- High-five yourself for how you’ve grown on the inside
- Set up your personal action plan to set your Inner Compass for where you want to go from here
- Create a spiritual ritual to celebrate the Divine Flow you’ve discovered and offer your prayer for continued spiritual growth
Here's What Others Are Saying About Brian and Finding Flow

“Brian’s insights and reflections feel like he’s inviting me to sit on his front porch on a summer night for the kind of chat I always enjoy—simple wisdom that draws me into deeper communion with God.”
Jordan Cooper
Husband, Father

““I discovered Brian at a dark time in my life. My son died, my husband left me, I retired from a 35-year career I loved. Brian helped me reconnect with myself—but most important with God—who had my back even when I didn’t feel his presence.”
Michele McCabe

“As a busy pastor I need to discern what’s the work of God in my life from what’s the work of the Church. Though the two intersect, they are different. When one is replaced by the other, life becomes unbalanced. The time I spend with Brian has been rich. Spiritual direction under his guidance helps me frame what is truly important in my life and see the work of God in me, and with me, as distinguished from the work of the Church.”
Reverend Dr. James D. Hegedus
Pastor, Presbyterian Church

“Brian’s authenticity and vulnerability shine through as he asks and often answers hard questions, describes his struggles, and ends in a place of love, courage, and worship. My journey into spirituality came without a compass or map. Through his writing and teachings, Brian offers heartfelt and practical guidance, making me—and I’m sure countless others—feel less alone as we navigate our human experience.”
Sandra Mitchell
Life Coach and Writer
It’s Not Just a Course - It’s a Community
When you register for the Living in Flow course you’ll become part of an inspired, vibrant learning community of seekers just like you.
As part of each week’s curriculum, you’ll experience a smorgasbord of spiritual tools and exercises designed for you to deepen your connection with your Inner Self and the Creator. You’re invited to celebrate successes, share challenges, learn from each other and ask me questions whether on our LIVE Q&A sessions or as you interact on-line with me and your fellow participants from around the world.
This private social network is created exclusively for your group in this course.
Here’s What You Will Receive

7 weekly LIVE, 90-minute Spiritual Tools and Experiential Teaching Sessions
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by Brian from the comfort of your own home or office. Each teaching session includes a streaming video and practical tools that guide you to discover and awaken your spiritual power.

Deepening Practices for each teaching session
Between teaching sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to explore spiritual exercises Brian provides you. You’ll practice new tools, answer self-reflection questions and develop daily rituals to accelerate your inner growth so you can integrate what you’re learning into the core of who you are and how you choose to live.

Private custom-designed, interactive course website
All sessions and materials will be yours forever so you can experience the teaching again and again!

Private Online Discussion Group for course participants only
You’ll be part of a supportive community with others on the spiritual path so you can learn from each other, share how you’re growing, and receive the encouragement of other seekers just like you.
- 7 weekly LIVE interactive Q&A sessions with Brian
- 7 short training videos (one for each session)
- Downloadable PDF documents to help you prepare for each session
- Audio and Video recordings of all sessions
- Special Bonuses to add to your course experience
- And more…
Core Course Bonuses
Just Added!

Heart Wisdom Package
Plug into your Inner Guidance System to hear the voice of your Creator's wisdom guiding you in life-giving ways. Let your mind sink into your heart with Brian's simple yet effective Tapping Into Your Heart Wisdom Practice PDF instructional guide. An important conversation for you to enjoy between Brian and Dr. Rollin McCraty, Director of Research at the Institute of HeartMath is also included. They discuss the integration of both the heart and brain for serving you, those in your community and the world at so much more!

Divine Guided Meditation by Brian
Who is the Divine to you? Who are you to the Divine? Further deepen and nurture your relationship to your creator whether you call it God, Spirit, Source, or have another name for your creator with this "Who Is God To You? Who Are You To God" guided audio meditation.

Break Through Your Barriers with Gay Hendricks
What's the Upper Limit? How does it try to stop us from living the life we imagine? How can you take the Big Leap to crash through the glass ceilings that try and prevent you from reaching your dreams? Join Brian as he and Gay explore these topics over a video conversation from Brian's Finding Flow Summit.

From Wild Man To Monk - How Does Thomas Merton Show Us The Doorway To Divine Flow?
"Who was Thomas Merton? How did he go from wild man to contemplative monk? How does his life and writings serve as a doorway for all of us to find Divine Flow?" Discover this and more in Brian Plachta’s conversation with Dr. Paul Pearson, Director of the Thomas Merton Center, in this video from Brian's Finding Flow Summit.

How The Enneagram Invites Us To Understand and Embrace Our True Selves (education on enneagram, direct to free assessment)
In this video conversation, Brian and Sister Ann Walters OP discuss: “What’s the Enneagram? How can you discover your enneagram type for free? How does it help you live the life you imagine?” In this video you’ll learn the basics of the enneagram and how it could be a path for deeper understanding of who you are and how you’re uniquely wired.
Community Wisdom Video Library Package
A sense of belonging is integral to supporting Inner Peace, Balance, and Wholeness. Community connections can nudge you to grow, mirror back to you who you are, can provide a good sounding board for feedback. They can also support you in the practical aspects of life. Learn about the benefits of community from these four thought leaders.

Discovering Mystical Community for Finding Flow
What's a mystic? Are you one? In this talk Brian explores with Luke Healy, Co-Founder of Integral Christian Network why finding your spiritual tribe is essential to sustaining Divine Flow. Luke is passionate about pioneering innovation in forms of spiritual community, in gathering like-minded and like-hearted pilgrims on the spiritual journey, and making mystical experience of God accessible in individual and collective practice.

The 5 Key Benefits Of Community
In this interview, Brian asks Chad R. Allen, former editorial director for Baker Books and the creator of both Book Proposal Academy and Book Camp, “Why doing life with others is a good thing?” Chad shares how community helped him make the leap into being a solopreneur. He and Brian discuss benefits of community including a sense of belonging, a safe space for vulnerability, learning from the wisdom of others, a place to have fun, an opportunity to give and so much more.

The Importance of Being Part of a Small Faith Community
How a pastor resisted joining a small faith community but then discovered how important it is for us to grow. Once a small group skeptic, Bill Search became a true believer in the power of community after his wife, Karyn, made him join a group. Bill is the Executive Pastor of Education at Crossings Community Church, has written three books on small groups, has a passion for helping people experience life-giving community as they grow in faith and speaks at various churches conferences throughout the year.

What's a "Circle of Trust?" Who's in Mine or Should Be?
Brian and Ray Brehm discuss how surrounding yourself with a handful of people who nudge you to grow can be life-giving. They discuss the encouragement, affirmation, wisdom and challenge that a strong circle of trust can offer you, how the internet can influence the relationships in your life and so much more. Ray is a bestselling author of more than ten books that motivate and educate individuals to support them in creating businesses and launching careers based on their passions.
Prayer and Meditation Video Library Package
There’s many ways to connect with the divine. Explore a number of different prayer practices offered by these spiritual leaders for deepening your relationship with the divine and living from your authentic and true self. Connect your human heart with the divine heart and gain guidance, wisdom and the embrace of unconditional love.

Heard From God Lately?
In this video conversation explore these questions: “What’s a God conversation? How can you hear the voice of the Divine?” with Brian and Australian Pastor, Tania Harris. Walk away with tips for more deeply connecting with your creator.

How a Practice-Based Faith Can Save You From Drowning
Best-selling author and pastor, Aaron Niequist discusses with Brian, what do you do when you can’t think your way to God anymore? How do spiritual practices open our hearts and free our souls so we can experience God in mind, body, and spirit? Aaron shares how he almost stopped believing in God until he discovered the ancient contemplative practices that he now teaches and integrates into his own life. He shares what they are with you.

Drawing Closer to God with Embodied and Integral Prayer
What's integral prayer? And how can it draw you closer to God? Integral Prayer is a holistic and integrated approach to prayer, where we can learn to pray from a fuller/deeper consciousness while connecting more deeply with our bodies and divine presence in a variety of forms...into the transcendent mystery.
Experience a guided meditation that will quiet your mind and connect you with your Inner Self with Paul Smith, author, retired Baptist pastor and co-founder of the Integral Christian Network.
Core Course Bonuses Value: $275
Register Now
Course begins Tuesday, March 28, 2023 for 7 weeks
11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm Eastern / 7:00 pm GMT
Can’t make it live? No worries!
Recordings of all sessions will be available for streaming.
Here's a summary of what the 7-week course includes:
- 7 LIVE Spiritual Tools and Experiential Teaching Sessions with Brian
- 7 LIVE Interactive Q&A Sessions
- Private Course Website
- Private Online Social Sharing & Discussion Community (Group)
- Weekly Exercises and Practices
- Downloadable Course Materials
- Audio + Video Recordings of All Sessions
- ALL the Special Bonus Content
- And much, much more!

Select The Payment Option That Works Best For You:

You can visit both our FAQ and Terms and Conditions further below.
If you have any questions send an email to [email protected]
Meet Your Instructor
Brian’s deep passion is to help people discover and experience a real, God-with-skin relationship with the Divine—one that opens the door to the unconditional love and guiding presence of the Creator in your daily life. He’s been guiding people on the pathway of Finding Flow for 30+ years.
As an attorney turned-author, spiritual mentor, and speaker, he helps individuals and groups throughout the world connect with the natural flow of inner peace, balance, and wholeness through his books, webinars, guided meditations, spiritual direction, weekly reflections, and on-line & in-person courses and workshops.
Brian’s a husband, father, grandfather, and has been a spiritual director for over thirty years. He holds a master’s degree in pastoral counseling and writes a popular weekly blog, Simple Wisdom for Everyday Living.
He and his wife of forty years live in West Michigan. Having successfully launched their fourth child, the Plachta’s are empty nesters and enjoy an ever-growing brood of grandchildren.
Brian’s latest book, Finding Flow—Spiritual Practices to Reclaim Inner Peace, Balance, and Wholeness provides an engaging four-fold pattern of spirit-filled living.
His practical spirituality books, reflections, and workshops have had a profound life-giving influence on thousands of people whom he’s helped discover how to live in Divine Flow!

Frequently Asked Questions
For any questions not answered here please contact me at: [email protected].